Here at GPS Telecoms we understand the importance of real connectivity and keeping up to date with your colleagues, employees, customers and suppliers.
One way of staying connected in a reliable and easy fashion is through the use of conference calling. We understand that people can’t always attend face-to-face meetings/interviews, so what’s the next best thing? A conference call!
Conference calling involves three or more people dialing into a call at an agreed time using their dial-in number. It’s the perfect solution for virtual meeting solutions!
Here at GPS Telecoms we can offer you a range of Conference Calling services, including:
- Reservation-less Conference Calls – Host a call at any time, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year – without the need to make reservations or rely on an operator.
- Call Recordings and Voice Analytics – Conference calls can be easily recorded and analysed using advanced voice recognition.
So what are some of the benefits of conference calling...
Conference Calls
- Eliminates the need for “face-to-face” meetings – This can make meetings and decision making much quicker!
- By communicating through teleconferencing, you no longer need to make multiple phone calls to many people – Just one quick call can complete the task!
- Wasted time and money spent travelling to meetings is no longer an expenditure – an easy conference call can accomplish the same results.
- More productive meetings – Conference calls can be made quickly; allowing you to conduct meetings on a more regular basis and make prudent decisions right away.
- Use any phone, anywhere, at any time!
- Reduces the expense of costly telecommunications.
...Continue reading below to find out GPS Telecom’s 7 top tips for handling conference calls.
- Be on time! – You don’t want to leave people waiting and wasting their time. Conference calling is a great way to do group calls for people constantly on the move and not tied to their desk! Making sure you’re always on time for the call, wherever you are, shows that you are professional and punctual.
- Announce yourself – Don’t assume that everyone knows who everyone else is, or that anyone knows you’ve “arrived”. A brief introduction notifies other attendees and is a polite way to enter a conference call meeting. Keeping quiet might make you look rude or uninterested.
- Don’t eat or drink anything! – This should seem obvious, but unfortunately it’s not! You wouldn’t be eating or drinking during a job interview (unless invited to do so), so don’t do it over the phone! Eating and drinking can be maddening and irritating to others, and there’s no call long enough that eating before and/or after isn’t suitable.
- Mute Yourself – If you are in a loud office environment or a busy cafe the best option for you could be to mute yourself. Background noise from your phone can be irritating and make it hard for others to hear what people are saying. So unless you’re speaking, keep your phone on mute. (However, don’t use this as an excuse to sneak a quick snack – refer to the previous point!).
- Take notes if necessary – There may very well be a recorder, but sometimes notes can be even better. Things may pop into your head whilst listening to others and writing notes can help you come back to that point in the future. If you decide to record a conference call, so you don’t miss anything, you need to make sure everyone in the call is fully aware and gives consent to be recorded.
- Have a list of input/questions ready – If you already know you have questions or input, jot them down beforehand. They may remind you to bring up certain subjects and issues and when it’s your turn to speak you won’t be stuck on what to say and leave people waiting. Preparation is always key!
- Be pleasant to the end – Finally, make sure you say good bye! This seems quite basic, but politeness can go a long way in business, especially when you’re relying solely on your voice. With prep work and basic etiquette, you can show you’re polished, respectful and have a genuine interest in the call.
For more information about GPS Telecom’s Conference Calling, or anything else we can help you with, please contact us via our website /contact or call us on 03330 093 677. A member of a friendly, professional team will be happy to assist you.