Ordering telephone lines for your new business carries some significant implications for the type of telephone system you can install and the kind of Internet connectivity you will enjoy. These are such fundamental basics of carrying on a business that they deserve careful thought and planning, which many people surprisingly skimp on to their detriment.
The sheer number of options, features, technologies and suppliers can be off-putting, or at least quite confusing. It is important to step back and take professional advice for such an important decision that can impact of the success of your business.
Where To Start
It’s always best to write a list of your requirements first. That helps to focus the mind on just what it is that your business needs from its telephone lines and telephone system. Then that list should be prioritised into Must Haves, Useful Features and Nice To Haves. Immediately, you then have an initial filtering tool that will help you ignore many offerings in the “bells and whistles” category, while ensuring you focus on what is really important for the success of your business.
For example, if your company offers a support desk to assist customers and users of its products or services, then great customer service dictates that callers should be answered within a very short period of time.
This requirement points towards a system that can identify available support team members (possibly in multiple geographical locations) and send the call to them. If the call still is not answered, then a message taking facility should kick in to ensure that the caller receives at least that level of acknowledgement and response. Such a system may depend on the appropriate type of telephone line being installed. It could be a high bandwidth super-fast broadband fibre connection, for example.
How To Use Those Requirements
Business requirements should always drive decision making regarding which technology and system to select. No matter how attractive a system may appear, or how cheap it seems, if it does not fulfil the business requirements than it is worse than useless and may end up costing you customers.
One option, of course, is to do your own research and purchasing decisions. That could be based on recommendations from your own business contacts, online articles and reviews, as well as the information available on supplier websites.
An even better approach, or one to also include in your search, is to discuss your requirements with experts, such as our experienced telecoms engineers here at GPS Telecom. Somebody who truly understands what you are trying to achieve may well end up asking you a lot of questions to flesh out some more details. That in turn may get you thinking along lines you have not previously considered.
Additionally, if a feature or function that your business requires cannot be accommodated in any obvious manner, an expert may be able to suggest some alternative approach or workaround to achieve what you want.
Make The Right Choice
Anybody faced with making decisions regarding such an important aspect of the day to day operation of a business is well advised to educate themselves about the technologies and options available. A good starting point is to download our New Business Telecoms Guide. It is packed with practical advice and pointers about today’s technology, as well as how to approach the selection process.