GPS Telecoms Ltd Blog

4 Great Reasons To Get A Business Mobile Phone

Jan 23, 2019 11:17:00 AM | Dave Rowe
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4 Great Reasons To Get A Business Mobile Phone

A lot of people use their own mobile phone for business even if they'd prefer to keep their personal and professional lives separate from one another. The problem with your organisation not having its own dedicated business mobile phones is that you are relying on the goodwill of employees to have their own equipment at your disposal.

In situations where staff are rarely out of the office and when, therefore, you call them on their extension, this is not much of a headache. However, it really can be annoying when employees spend a lot of their time on the road or working from home. As such, why should you invest in proper business mobile phone contracts?

1) Simpler Billing

If your employees use their own phones to make calls, then they need to bill you for the cost every month. This is time-consuming and difficult to check with your accounts department each time a call is made. Even if you purchase a consumer contract or two for some employees, you will get bills that need to be managed and paid for, often at different times of the month.

With a single, properly managed business contract you can obtain exactly the number of phones you need on call plans which make sense and dovetail with your payment system along with your other telecommunications expenditure.

2) Improved Call Charges

Not only is billing simpler with a genuine business plan, but the call charges can be negotiated to meet your exact requirements. Some enterprises need calls to 03 numbers to be at minimal costs. Others will need international calling to be as price competitive as possible. Only a genuine business approach to mobile telephony will provide the tailored call charge packages that modern enterprises need.

3) Data Packages

Of course, mobile telephony is not just about being able to make voice calls from the field back to HQ. Many businesses rely on mobile data communications from handsets to be able to report back with forms, documents and photographs, too.

This is where a business package for mobile telephony can be so different from the sort of deal you'd expect from a high street operator. Again, it is about tailoring data packages, so you get the best value for money - without facing any unexpectedly large bills because your employees have used all their data.

4) A Managed Approach

Like other bespoke services that your enterprise might take advantage of, a tailored mobile telecommunications package should be fully managed for you. This gives access to a dedicated team of professionals who can provide tech support and alter your network access, if needed, to meet a particular demand such as a temporary satellite office.

It is this tailored approach to management that GPS offers, so don't hesitate to contact us to find out exactly how we can improve your company's mobile telephony. More information can also be found in our free downloadable New Business Telecoms Guide. Click here to claim your copy.

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Topics: Telecoms for startup business, Phone Systems

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